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Are Prisons Obsolete? by Angela Davis An interesting read that talks about how messed up the prison system in the United States is. the cover to Angela Davis' 2003 book Are Prisons Obsolete? ere
"Zune" theme for Windows XP A pretty orange-black theme for the old operating system. a screenshot of the Windows XP operating system with the Zune theme. ere
"Super Donkey" (First Prototype) The first of the "Super Donkey" prototypes, which are very early versions of Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. a screenshot of the first known build of Super Donkey ere
"Super Donkey" (Second Prototype) The second of the "Super Donkey" prototypes, which are very early versions of Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. a screenshot of the second build of Super Donkey ere